11 Wrestlers Who Are Banned from WWE Forever With Reason Why| List Of Superstars Blackballed in WWE

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Professional wrestling has been a popular form of entertainment for decades, captivating audiences with its high-flying maneuvers, dramatic storylines, and larger-than-life personalities. One of the most iconic and influential wrestling organizations is World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), which has produced some of the most legendary wrestlers in history. However, not all wrestlers who have stepped into the WWE ring have been able to maintain a good standing with the company. In fact, there are a few wrestlers who are banned from WWE forever with reason like, due to their controversial actions or behavior. This blog will explore some of the most notorious wrestlers who have been banned from WWE and the reasons behind their bans.

List of wrestlers banned from WWE

#12 Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho is one of the most well-known and respected wrestlers in the world. He left WWE after almost 20 years to support the new wrestling promotion All Elite Wrestling. When Jericho informed Vince McMahon that he had signed a deal with the new promotion, McMahon suggested he get out of the contract any way he could. Jericho refused, and McMahon saw this as a spit in the face. After their signing, Jericho was banned from having any WWE talent on his podcast, and his finishing move name, the Code Breaker, was banned from being uttered by any announcer.

#11 Shane Douglas

Shane Douglas had two runs in WWE, one between 1990 to 1992 and one between 1995 to 1996. Both runs did not light the world on fire, and Douglas became infamous for burying WWE, McMahon, and all their top stars in every single interview he could.

#10 Brodie Lee

Brodie Lee, also known as Luke Harper, had an interesting run in WWE, with the company seemingly never fully committing to pushing him as a top star. He was released from WWE in late 2019 and later signed with All Elite Wrestling, using his previous name of Brodie Lee. After his release, Lee appeared on Chris Jericho’s podcast and criticized WWE’s creative process, which upset WWE officials and Vince McMahon. Even in AEW, Lee’s character would parody Vince in various ways, including spoofing his eating habits and clothing style. This reportedly offended WWE and potentially burned the bridge between Lee and the company. However, Lee stated in an interview that it’s hard to completely burn a bridge in pro wrestling, as WWE will always want top stars. Lee unfortunately passed away in late 2020, but his legacy in the industry lives on.

#9 John Moxley

Formerly known as Dean Ambrose, John Moxley left the WWE in 2019 on bad terms due to creative differences. Despite being grateful for his time at WWE, Moxley had reached his tipping point when Vince McMahon gave him a promo to deliver on Raw that was a complete character killer. Moxley revealed that the WWE creative process was making him physically ill, and many talented officials in WWE agreed with him.

#8 Jordan Miles

Jordan Miles had a fantastic start to his NXT career by winning the NXT breakout tournament and being positioned as one of the top upcoming stars in the brand. In October 2019, WWE launched a t-shirt for Miles that caused an incredible amount of controversy. The t-shirt design featured Miles’ name surrounded by the shape of a mouth, said to be inspired by the legendary Rolling Stones logo. However, the design received accusations from Miles that it resembled a blackface. WWE changed the t-shirt and issued an apology, but Miles accused WWE of racism and even suggested that Ring of Honor and some of their talent were racist towards him during his time there. Miles’ comments received negative responses from fellow black wrestlers such as Booker T and Titus O’Neil, who suggested that bringing other names into the equation was completely unfair. Miles uploaded a profanity-filled video claiming that he quit WWE because he refused to work for racists, and seven days later, Miles was released from his WWE contract.

#7 Scott Steiner

Scott Steiner had a disastrous WWE run between 2002-2003 due to nagging injuries and wrestling ability that couldn’t keep up with the younger talent. After two horrendous pay-per-view matches with Triple H in 2003, Steiner was positioned as a low mid-carder for the rest of his time in the promotion. Following his WWE departure, Steiner bad-mouthed Triple H and Stephanie McMahon in every interview he could, which led to him being officially banned from the WWE Hall of Fame in 2015 due to personal issues with Hulk Hogan.

#6 CM Punk

Phil Brooks, also known as CM Punk, who left WWE in 2014 on bad terms. He revealed in a podcast interview with Colt Cabana that he was fired by WWE on his wedding day. This incident and several other factors led to his disillusionment with the company and ultimately led to his departure. In the interview, Punk accused WWE of mistreating him, ignoring his creative ideas, and causing him physical and mental stress.

After his departure, rumors circulated about a possible return, but Punk was vocal about his disinterest in working with WWE again. In 2019, he signed with rival promotion All Elite Wrestling, and his debut generated significant buzz in the wrestling world.

Despite his departure from WWE, Punk remains a beloved figure among fans and is often mentioned in discussions about the company’s best performers of all time. His influence on the industry and his legacy are undeniable.

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#5 Alberto Del Rio

Alberto Del Rio had two stints with WWE, but both ended on sour notes. In 2014, he was released from his contract due to unprofessional conduct, and in 2016, he chose not to renew his contract and publicly criticized WWE in interviews.

Del Rio accused WWE of mistreating him, mistreating other wrestlers, and not compensating him appropriately. He also revealed that he was unhappy with the direction of his character and the company’s creative process. Del Rio has since worked for various promotions and has even started his own wrestling company, NaciĆ³n Lucha Libre.

Despite his rocky relationship with WWE, Del Rio remains a talented performer and a respected figure in the wrestling world. His contributions to the industry should not be overlooked.

#4 AJ Lee

Ninth is AJ Lee, who left WWE in 2015 after several years with the company. She had a successful career in WWE, winning the Divas Championship three times and becoming one of the most popular female wrestlers in the industry. However, her departure from the company was reportedly due to conflicts with management, particularly with Stephanie McMahon. In her memoir, “Crazy Is My Superpower,” Lee criticized the company’s treatment of female wrestlers and discussed the challenges she faced during her time with WWE.

#3 Vince Russo

Vince Russo is a former WWE writer who is often credited with the creation of the Attitude Era, one of the company’s most successful periods. However, his departure from WWE in 1999 was not amicable. Russo has since criticized WWE’s creative process, calling it “lazy” and “uninspired.”

In interviews, Russo has expressed frustration with WWE’s reliance on formulaic storytelling and its reluctance to take risks with new talent. He has also criticized the company’s handling of wrestlers’ personal lives and the backstage politics that often dictate their careers.

Despite his criticisms, Russo’s contributions to WWE and the wrestling industry as a whole are significant. His work during the Attitude Era helped shape the direction of professional wrestling and cemented WWE’s place as a cultural phenomenon.

#2 Enzo Amore

Next on the list of wrestlers banned forever from WWE is Enzo Amore. Enzo and Big Cass had great potential and were popular with the fans, especially Enzo who had exceptional promo skills. However, he was not well-liked by many WWE talents, which made it difficult to book him with other wrestlers as they didn’t want to work with him.

Enzo’s WWE career came to an abrupt end in 2017 when he was accused of sexual assault and failed to inform WWE about it. This led to his immediate release and he went on a downward spiral, criticizing WWE in interviews and even trying to invade Survivor Series in 2018, but to no avail. Enzo is also one of the faces banned from appearing in the WWE ThunderDome, which suggests that his bridge with WWE is burnt.

#1 Rayback

Last on the list is Ryback, whose WWE run started off strong with an impressive winning streak but quickly fell apart due to reports of him being unsafe in the ring. This resulted in his gradual descent down the card and eventual release in 2016 due to contract disputes. Ryback has had nothing positive to say about WWE or Vince McMahon over the past few years and has made several outlandish claims, such as being supposed to squash AJ Styles at WrestleMania 32 and win the WWE title shortly before leaving. He has also been in legal battles with WWE over his name and even suggested that he should be erased from WWE history books. Similar to Enzo, Ryback is also banned from appearing in the WWE ThunderDome.

Related FAQ

Can banned wrestlers make a return to WWE?

No, banned wrestlers are not allowed to make a return to WWE. Once a wrestler is banned, they are no longer welcome in the company.

Are all WWE bans permanent?

No, not all WWE bans are permanent. Some bans may be temporary, depending on the nature of the offense committed by the wrestler.

  • How does WWE determine who to ban?
  • WWE has a strict code of conduct that all wrestlers must adhere to. Any wrestler who violates this code of conduct can be subject to disciplinary action, including a ban from the company.

    Can banned wrestlers still make money from their WWE merchandise or likeness?

    It depends on the specific terms of their contract and any legal agreements they may have signed with WWE. In some cases, WWE may still own the rights to a wrestler’s likeness and merchandise, even if they are banned from the company.


    WWE bans are not uncommon, and several high-profile wrestlers have been banned from the company forever. These bans are a result of wrestlers violating WWE’s strict rules and regulations, whether it’s due to drug use, legal issues, or personal conduct.

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