5 Botches in Survivor Series 2021 | Big Mistakes in WWE Survivor Series 2021

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The Survivor Series 2021 was a pay-per-view with some great moments and also with some not-so-great.  No matter how talented wrestlers might be, performing in front of a live audience is never that easy. There are some botches in Survivor Series  2021 that fans might have missed. Here we have discussed all the big mistakes in WWE Survivor Series that you might be interested in knowing.

Survivor Series 2021 botches and mistakes

Shinsuke Nakamura missed flying cross armbar

Nakamura usually had a move where he encounters the clothesline into a cross armbar. But when Damien Priest tried to attack Shinsuke Nakamura with a clothesline, Nakamura botched as he couldn’t grab Damien’s neck with his legs. But the understanding between both of these wrestlers was so great that Nakamura quickly performed his armbar lock on Damien Priest before anyone could notice.

Charlotte Flair missed moonsault

The next botch in Survivor Series  2021 was when Becky Lynch was out of the ring and Charlotte Flair was in the ring corner. Charlotte performed a moonsault on Becky. However, the moonsault didn’t connect properly and only Charlotte’s hands touched Becky’s body. And that was also when Becky fell down on the floor by herself. The way Becky kept her differences aside and started selling the move, shows how professional she is inside the ring.

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Riddle botched go-to-sleep 

While Riddle was on his knees, Jimmy started delivering him elbow shots on Riddle’s chest. Suddenly Riddle grabbed Jimmy’s leg and took him on his shoulders and tried to connect him with CM Punk’s famous maneuver Go-to-sleep. But Riddle botched while performing the move and missed Jimmy’s head far away from his knees. But Jimmy awkwardly kept selling the move. 

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Natalya overselling shoulder tackles

When Bianca Belair captured Natalya at the corner of the ring, Bianca started delivering shoulder tackles. Natalya botched at the moment when Bianca stopped her attack but Natalya took an extra jump without being attacked. 

The referee didn’t stop Sasha Banks count-out

The last botch in Survivor Series  2021 that could be seen was during a Women’s Division  5-on-5 Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match. While Sasha Banks was out of the ring, the referee started ten counts. Being opposed to getting inside by the opponent’s member, It was clearly visible that she had many chances to get inside the ring but she kept waiting for someone to attack her. She even entered multiple times inside the ring before someone pulled her out again. Even Sasha entered the ring once and again pulled out, the referee didn’t restart the ten counts.  

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