WWE Secret Hand Signals | WWE Referee Hand Signals

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Talking to each other during wrestling could be easily readable. Sometimes even the voice gets caught in the camera. To avoid such mistakes professional wrestlers use some gestures and signs called WWE secret hand signals which are not secret anymore after you read this. Not even wrestlers, even WWE referee hand signals, had saved superstars from serious injuries or even death.

Wrestling secret hand signals

Randy Orton claps before the power slam

In some situations, Randy Orton successfully delivers the power slam while in some he is not. It has been noticed that before executing a successful power slam Randy used to clap with his hands. If he does not clap he fails to perform the move.

Randy Orton is a well-experienced wrestling superstar. Most of the time, he is the alpha while performing with the other talents. The clap sound that Randy makes before the power slam indicates to his opponent that he has to receive the power slam. On the other people can notice if Randy doesn’t clap the opponent dodges him and Orton fails to deliver the power slam. After reading this fans would never see Randy Orton’s power slam the same way.

Slap on the back during DDT

Another one of the WWE secret hand signals is the slap before performing the DDT. When the hands are locked around the opponent’s neck, fans have noticed the superstar usually slaps on the back of another superstar.

The Slap on the back tells the wrestlers if they have to take or counter the move. If the wrestler who is performing the move slaps on the back, the opponent will receive the move. While, if he didn’t slap the wrestler will counter the move.

Referee signaling for the impact

Whenever the attack blindsides the wrestler, the referee prepares him for the impact.  Receiving an attack when the body is unaware increases the risk of injury. This injury could be avoided by the WWE referee hand signals to the wrestlers.

On 2nd April 2006 at Wrestlemania 22, Shawn Michaels and Mr. McMahon were booked in a match. During the match, there was a moment when Mr. Mcmahon was laying on the table with his head inside the trash bin and Shawn Michaels was about to deliver an elbow drop from the top of the ladder. As HBK was about to jump, the referee secretly pressed Vince’s leg to make him ready for the impact.

Tagging ring partners at the same time

There is a very common spot in tag team matches, where both legal wrestlers tag their opponents simultaneously. This is done to create excitement amongst the fans. But how the legal wrestlers who are in the ring are able to do this even if their backs are facing each other.

The secret of this simultaneous tag lies in the partner’s hands who is standing at the ring corner waiting for the tag. If the palm is facing downward it means not to tag, and when he faces the palm upward it tells the legal wrestlers now it’s the time.

Referee hand ‘X’ signals

Whenever there is a big spot like going through the table or falling from the ladder, it has been noticed that the referee goes close to the wrestler to talk and then makes signals through his hands. It is not as simple as it looks like.

The referee goes close to the wrestler not to talk but secretly puts his hands into the wrestler’s hand and squeezes it. If the wrestler squeezes back the referee’s hand then the referee raises one hand with his fist close. It gives the signal not to worry to the medical staff backstage.

But if the wrestler doesn’t squeeze back the referee’s hand it means there may be some serious injury and the referee raises both his hand making the ‘X” signal. It gives the signal to the medical staff to come ringside and check the injured wrestler. 


Every wrestling promotion and wrestler has their own kind of secret signal to communicate inside the ring. Since voice communication could be easily caught by nearby cameras it is important to communicate in secret hand signals.

Related FAQ

How do wrestlers signal they are hurt?

The referee uses the ‘X’ signal when the wrestler fails to response referee’s call

Does it hurt to get slammed in WWE?

The wrestlers are professionally trained athletes. They are well trained to execute the move without hurting the opponents.

Why do WWE refs wear earpieces?

Earpiece is to notify the referee s there is any change in the match

Do WWE referees know who wins?

Yes Referee knows who is going to win the match, as it’s important for the on going storyline.

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