WWE Kane Eye Problem Revealed | Why WWE Kane Eye Is White ?

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Glenn Thomas Jacobs, popularly known as the big red monster Kane has been one of the most dominating superstars for more than 2 decades in WWE. His demon’s favorite demon gimmick entertained fans from the attitude era to the New era. The most iconic part of Kane is his mask, his wrestling attire and his right side white eye. Many fans might wonder why WWE Kane eye is white ? Here is the blog on the WWE Kane eye problem revealed and why it was white.

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The reason behind Kane white eye

WWE Storyline 

As per WWE storyline when Kane debuted in 1997, he was introduced as The Undertaker’s half-brother. Undertaker tried to burn him alive when they were young, but Kane was lucky enough to survive the massacre. Kane somehow was successful in escaping the fire but he had burnt the right side face including the eyeball and turned white. Now Kane had come to WWE for his revenge on Phenom. Undertaker had not only scarred Kane physically but also emotionally.                                                                                                                                                                                                

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Real reason 

Yes, Kane debuted as a burnt monster but this storyline was never to be continued for too long. As the fans acknowledged Kane the big red monster, his gimmick became his identification. His red and black attire became the iconic part of his character. 

Kane’s right side white eye represents his anger, his rage, and his ferociousness. The way Kane’s white eye appears from the red mask creates a thrilling scenario among the fans. This was the reason WWE decided to continue his gimmick for Kane.

Kane’s face was never burnt, it was just part of the storyline. Kane used to put colored lenses to make his eye white in color. This might be very difficult for Kane to wrestle with lenses in his eyes but he never let the fans notice it.

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Though the storyline may be fake, the white eye adds depth to Kane’s character. The WWE creative team deserves appreciation to add such detailing to his persona. And because of this only, Kane became one of the legendary characters in WWE.

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